Monday, December 28, 2009

Is Bi Carb Good For Atlete Feet

thoughts on individualism

When I look so in the world, I would be really sad. So much suffering and pain is present, not just somewhere in the Third World, even here in our country. But where does it all mean? Many people have wondered that and tried to offer solutions. Many people have failed thus. I will not venture to offer here a comprehensive solution that would be presumptuous of me. Nevertheless, I will pursue my thoughts and see where they lead me. It is Christmas, just at the time of this celebration of love and peace, we should make our thoughts.

Many of the solutions were, so to speak "from above", that they tried, the problems in the "system" to locate in the company and then a better "system" to propose and impose the company. I think such approaches are doomed to failure. What needs to change is not just any social system in the first place, because as we make our society is, in effect, a product of our own, we must change so that changes our life together.

Here I'll throw in a slogan that helps in my opinion, much to the misery in our world: individualism. Now, many will note here that this is a good thing after all. Only with the Enlightenment and then the following currents, the individual was actually important and valuable. I do not deny, but must keep it in mind the environment in which the philosophers and others wrote that established individualism. In their society, the opposite is the case, the individual man was bound by many things and was wedged. They propagated a liberation of the individual, so that the individual man can find himself. Then a very important and good news. Each individual is valuable. This led then, the notion of "self-actualization" ex. The man was regarded as literate and rational being who must make decisions themselves, which has to find himself.

This is something wonderful and important, we must lose in any case. But unfortunately this idea, as everyone thought him to excesses and Exaggerations out. Meanwhile, we have gone too far, the self-realization can have overboard. This leads to such events that young people fight for the sheer fun of other people to death, or at least seriously hurt. The Enlightenment had never wanted this, we must be aware - self-fulfillment must never be at the expense of others. Besides this is not the self-realization, but merely the acting out of animalistic instincts. Self-realization would be rather self-determination of people using the reason - the man is more than his instincts, he needs education to train his mind and thus shape its environment can be aware.

nationalistic thinking and other forms of group thinking are pure forms of it, because they limit the amount of people to pay attention to the more or less immediate environment. However, we have that luxury any longer! It is natural to give greater weight to his own group, but we must rise above our own nature. The bottom line is the sheer varieties of exaggerated individualism, because we want to be the welfare of our loved ones.

But long ago a much more radical and more difficult to be implemented demand was made: That we should be aware of all humanity and seek their welfare. First Line we should not think ourselves as people, as part of humanity, as citizens of a country, members of a culture or as individuals. I am not primarily Kraus Conrad, not a Swiss, not a student, but first and foremost a human being. The differences between me and an African, are smaller than our similarities. Or the difference between me and a woman. We should re-focus more on our similarities than our differences lay. Then, these differences into something beautiful and wonderful, an expression of the diversity of humanity as a whole. Hatred, fear, anger and all these negative feelings and attitudes, the following ones will come primarily from the fact that we have a Tell the difference. How can I but those who hate me is the same, except I would hate myself? Therefore, already the Bible says "Love thy neighbor as thyself" - and with our neighbor every person is meant, not only our compatriots and family members.

It is an interesting phenomenon is noticeable in many of the violent youths and young adults: they show a lack of empathy ability. That is to say that they do not succeed or that they do not prefer to sit in the shoes of their victims. You hurt people with a complete indifference to the pain of the victim. But this shows very well the Problem: It is important to their own fun, the other person is not respected. Who has empathy would probably not capable of such deeds. But to what extent is different the behavior of a physically violent adolescents from that of a greedy financial Economic Marketers? In the end, but the same attitude behind it, a non-compliance with the other people on the basis that it provides its own needs before those of others. This attitude pervades large parts of humanity, we are selfish and want to satisfy our own desires in the first place - we call it incorrectly as "self-realization."

I have already noticed that for me attitudes such as nationalism just another expression of an exaggerated individualism. This may at first sound very paradoxical, but think about it is this: What is nationalism other than that one's own nation gives greater importance than all others? In this respect, this attitude differs in any way the fact that you own, the person in front of everyone else. Nation, person, family, Where is the difference? In any case, you unlawfully something important before anything much. As I have already written, first and foremost we are human.

This kind of thinking, the restriction on one's own group, often leads to denote scapegoats. That this is the case, has throughout history, confirmed again and again. What is a scapegoat at all? Originally, the term comes from Judaism. In an ancient ritual to the time when the Jewish Temple was still standing, a goat was selected, who had symbolically carry away the sins of the people. What we now call it, is not much different: We select a group of people to carry our own sins. Or, as Jesus has also been expressed, we look for the mote in our brother's eye and see not the beam in ours.

to what individualism has also performed is an attitude of mutual competition - all against all. In the business world finds this expression under capitalism, especially in his exaggerated art I will not claim here, as others have done, that capitalism is fundamentally bad and we should do away with it. It has its good elements and a healthy competition can also be very useful. And who is more trouble, is also allowed to reap the reward of his efforts, this is only fair. But Rawls has already noted that inequality in the distribution of resources can only be fair if this leads to a larger share of all. That is not the case, we need only look to our world. We live at the expense of the Third World, for example. So we should probably ask what we have done wrong. I sites in any case the error is not in the "system", but in ourselves, in our attitude to the world and the people. This selfish, excessive individualistic attitude has led to our exploitation of other peoples and nature. If something should change, then change must take place first and foremost in our hearts. The "system" will change it all by itself, if we have re-thought for now.

This exaggerated individualism also leads to many things, including an exaggerated notion of privacy. It may not be, for example, that the family is a private matter. Parents should not with their children just do what they want. Nor should one do with his property what you want. You have a responsibility towards humanity as a whole in everything you do, including their own children. If, for example, the families of those looks that become such a violent people, then wonder one of the unfortunate condition of these people often do not - namely, their parents were often violent themselves to their children. I could cite many other examples where exactly lies behind this harmful attitude.

I was but now may not assume that I want a transparent person, or the abolition of the individual. No, this in no Case! We still have a responsibility to humanity, but concludes that even a man with us. This is found in the above-quoted sentence from the Bible. "Love your neighbor as yourself" You have to love yourself also, it also has responsibilities to himself. And against all others. Weighted to one or the other too much, this will lead to excesses and terrible events. On the one hand we have the abolition of the individual, as called for in exaggerated forms of communism and have been in many older companies in the case (and sometimes still the case), on the other the lack of attention to others, such as this is more and more in our Western Companies of the case. Both are dangerous and must be avoided. But as we now plays in an exaggerated individualism and collectivism do not suffer from excessive, I do not denounce the latter.

Until today, many people in forms of individualism affected. A final example, we recently frightening to experience in Copenhagen, when some leaders of the nations of the world can not, because it the selfish interests of their nation weighted higher than the interests of humanity as a whole. This is because we have built our societies just it - it will not get better, as long as we ourselves as Swiss, American, German, Europeans think or what group whatsoever. That is why I fight so vehemently against settings as they are taking the SVP or the FDP or similar parties. All these settings are mere forms of well-known self-seeking, whether they be expresses as nationalism or capitalism. I do not want to speak for other countries but here in Switzerland is very much of this selfishness reigns, this way of thinking prevails in many ways. Either we see ourselves as something better to do only because of our nationality and protect the interests of the Swiss and we want to defend the rights of the stronger, who could come up in our sometimes rather brutal economic system.

When will we learn that we are no better and no worse than our fellow human beings and have to fight together for a better world? We must not fight each other, even in such subtle forms, such as those prevalent in the business world. Those who are in some form of competition surrenders, who says that only "I'm taking out the right to be better than you!" You're no better or worse than anyone else! You are no better because you are Swiss. Still you are better because you're rich. Or because you possess a higher education. Instead of competing for money and power, we should be competing to greater love and humanity . Practice It does not help to say, "That may be all well and good, and certainly desirable, but the world is now time not such and who wants to survive, which now has to adapt time!" This is a cowardly position, stretching the weapons to fight before the test. If all people think like that, then, of course, never change. If we simply accept the status quo. Of course, the comfortable and the prevailing attitude these days of selfishness and of the competitive struggle is consistent with our nature. The change requires effort and willpower. But who says that things are as they are, and do not change can claim, just something. There are sufficient counter-examples in which we might take us a role model.

So I decide my Christmas thoughts. I wish for the coming year, an increase of love towards our fellow human beings and more compassion instead of condemning attitude, a move away from selfish, excessive self-realization to observe the dignity of every human being. One should not accuse me that I want to run a "cuddly" policy, because that is certainly not my intention. Sometimes it is necessary that we remain so hard because it is the best for the individual. But we can not from an attitude of hatred, contempt, and the distribution do (this is handled in many places), but from an attitude of compassion and love for people - we do not punish, to retaliate, we do to help the people. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." These words, we should probably take to heart again.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Nys Dmv Points Identification

Oops, almost Christmas

shock, oh horror, I've long since written more ... I'm going to change immediately! Unfortunately I have little sweaty, to report on the occupation, but that I make up immediately. After eight days, they went with a press conference to an end, which was also Rector and Director of Education Würgler powder were present. We have won a small victory, because Mr. Würgler was against presence controls from. Booyah!

Of course, the battle continues! So we have the first edition of our newspaper "Free Thinking Space" published in an article can be found by me. Interested, please send an email to, then I can send you the PDF file.

And now soon Christmas ... As quickly walked past this, tests are (almost) all through. On 4 January, I may then drafted into the civil defense for a little more than a week - to Adelboden's going to prepare the World Cup. Will probably take to Jan a two-day "Snow hike" on the Camino de Santiago by Welsch's country. Aurélia Karlen, a good friend of mine is in the course of April move in with us because my mother wants to move to the U.S. with my father. A brief overview of the events and results of the last time (with views of planned).

Otherwise, I enjoy my free time and am enjoying the snow, which then trickles softly. Wish all together a beautiful holiday season and a happy new year!