Sunday, May 30, 2010

Water Pump For Land Rover Discovery

Satara Studio Diary - Day 3

Tag 3 (26.05.2010)

The Rollenverteilung:

  Baas Hastl   Burgl   Syntie  
  (Aufnahme Director) (conductor) (drums)

Productive Work:
"productive" colloquially those elements of work, which - in contrast to "unproductive labor" - immediately the achievement of the required operating results serve.

According to this definition, we in uneserm Studio very productive. While presenting the cable
Bastl and sets up the microphones and I smoke Synti. As
Bastl is ready, begin Synti herumzuklopfen wild on the drums and Bastl goes to the director for each drum as possible to want to be as quiet as possible, to make it during the recording session and later on the CD not so loud hear (the technical term is "level setting" ).

I write in the meantime Flipchart sequences in colorful frabs for the included songs. Carry out level is
Riehen The result of the song "Coal Reith"

As Synti then with the complete, start the recording of the song Kohl Reith. Whether the ridiculous simplicity of the sequence of parts of the numbers I will not be required as a conductor and can get something to eat for Synti. Furthermore, I am extremely pleased.

I, like I was just glad

Controlled Eating interruption in the parking lot (called Take the procedure of playing instruments while recording the acoustic sound waves by microphones and simultaneous conversion of analog vectors in digital Supra vectors)
After three takes I'm with Süntys food back, and we first make a break outside the studio to the upstream parking.

We go to the VW bus from Synti Bastl and begins to devour several chips. As I approach him to almost 2 feet, he know, to a significant Drohegbärde.

When controlled, parking food interruption of the cars from me, and Bastl Synti (left to right)

the building from the outside: The cars are all the other musicians.

The next shots go in rapid succession. In an impressive speed Synti plays the songs "Skudrinka" "Tine Beltane" and "drinking pleasure" on.

A study of facial Synti: 60% of drumming is just the facial expressions ...

... 20% are gestures ...

... and the rest for Bastl in the control

enough, we planned to be finished at 23:30 and I'm going home tomorrow because I have to do anything strenuous and Synti Bastl and build the drums and the Microphones from.

remain thus nurmehr 3 numbers and 3 drums percussion numbers for the exceptional Pyhraner the right to be done quickly.

the end of the recordings in a break in the ashtray of the airlock, a fire that is quite fast but brought under control. Synti and Bastl visibly affected.
Synti (left, without tops) goes through with Bastl (right) and a cigarette once the possible causes of the fire.

The over-pressure fire extinguishers (built by the company McDonnell-Douglas), the worse prevented

We conclude therefore the records of the work done today.
There are likely to invite in the next we already Opeth and Thomson to cover over with bass and rhythm guitar, the drums sound.

Until next time and Guts Nächtle.

Monday, May 24, 2010

What Type Of Period Do You Have After A D & C

Satara Studio Diary - Day 2

Day 2 (19.05.2010)

The roles:

Boss hastle Bürglen Syntie ; Neaux
(Aufnahme Director)
(drums) (assistant director)

Synti After I've picked up from the station Tulln, we drive the insidious B1 in the direction of St. Pölten as we are both very, üde of yesterday, where we only got 3 hours sleep before we had to work to Tullnerfeld and after a good meal, McDonalds, we're pretty tired and against the generic drivers can not take it into consideration.

Shortly after the Orstschild the village of Dien village, calls us to Bastl, the adrenaline Kings unfortunately today and also just in the rehearsal room, recording the Euclidean space is located samples.

After we are very tired before the fact is situated a bit.

So we go into the studio to build Syntis from drums and continue with Neaux to 'Späckies salt office "where we enjoy Späckie, the Cook and Good Spirit, with beer, a soy chicken and his laugh for a while.

go then we go home.

We are excited and recommend to you, faithful reader / inn also be interesting to see what the next could be to bring day in the studio with him.


Kate‘s Playground

Satara Studio Diary - Day 1

Day 1 (18/05/2010)

The roles:

Baas Hastl   Burgl   Syntie
(recording director)

Neaux ; Kirstl Well
(assistant director)
(holistic care delegated, the Board Satara)
(was also there, is not it ...?)

After a lot of ifs and buts, with much hemming and eyes, especially after he agreed preparation time, Satara start now with the recording of their first studio album.
Around you initiate a glimpse of the top-secret art of recording, I write to you here, live, in a report.

Theoretical basis:

In a studio it is important that there is absolute silence, as the highly sensitive microphones, which were developed by the NASA space to record sounds that would otherwise take up all sorts of noise.
This noise we call sound. But not only noise but also music is referred to as sound.
Scientifically sound is nothing but a vector.
A vector is similar to a well or a jet (eg sunlight), very well defined:
Vekotren have 4 Pages: 1 front, one rear and two lateral sides, the lateral sides can be parallel or coincide, and only at the front and back of the cut vector.

As it now but for many instruments not only is that a single note is produced, but several tones are generated (eg bagpipes with chanter Währe and drones), it could not be worse and difficult to represent each sound vector.
For this reason, there are the so-called vector sum to Euclid.
Euclid was a Greek sailor of the sum vector defined as follows:

"A vector sum is the sum of all vectors divided by the number of vectors, cut their front pages in a closed system."

The closed system is given by the noise density recording room. It can therefore be to apply the Euclidean Sumenvektor theory in our case.
This gives the closed system but also influential on the vectors. Closed systems are defined by so-called border areas. A total of 6 form potential interfaces (1 upper, 1 lower, 1link, knit1, 1vordere and 1hintere) not be congruent, may a closed system. Adding now the sum of the potential interfaces and report them, according to Euclid, by the number of potential interfaces, one always comes second to the number This study shows the two coordinates are in a room with a coordinate the hoeizontale level (Bodenkoordinate) and the vertical coordinate Level (Wandkoordinate) describes. Thus, we have created these two sizes a room with three dimensions in which the total noise vector always linear (straight) moved away from the intersection of two coordinates in a bilateral angle of 45 ° C from.

is now fastened magnet at the interfaces (coordinates) can affect the sound vector sum, as it is magnetic. Consequently, pulling the magnets affect the total noise vector at the UN is how the career of the sound.
applies particularly in the so called boundary layer microphones, But even with all the other microphones, loudspeaker transmits and pickups, which contain all the magnets. to manipulate

To the sound of the technicians möglichkleit the positions and the magnetic potential in the microphones or speakers through potentiometer has to regulate the mixing desk. Since there are abggegrenzt soundproof tables in low battery conditions to over-control (influence of the magnets in the speakers by the magnets in the microphones), the recording room. This is achieved by a simple "room-in-space" or thermos principle (English Thermoscan-principle).
You build in the existing space into just a second, which is presented to the space between the two spaces (dead space) as an insulation layer to the sound.
If you setht followed all these rules of good production no more obstacles.

The building :

The building in which there is a studio has made the otsansäßigen musicians from the city of St. Pölten for Verfüfung. It is a building in Contianerbauweise, the strong similarity with the Russian ground station for satellite Sputnik has.
exterior view interior view of the control center, the entrance can not be seen right

For safety reasons, smoking is possible only in a segregated area, otherwise uncontrolled explosions could come.
Over the smoking area which is about the volume of an Apollo space capsule arrives to an air lock. As musicians usually much smoke, the ashtray after a short time was already overcrowded.
Before recording ; At the end of the recordings The Explosoionswarnleuchten

The recordings are performed in Euclidean recording room. After 4 hours Synti had already set up his drums and we could start with the recordings.
western section of the recording room            Zentralsekti on                               Ostsektion            

The brain of the whole thing is a combination of cybernetic Bastl and the control room that provides out that the sounds, mixed by Syntis drums to a melodious construct of high, mid and lows is.


"A victorious general in front of the struggle many calculations on "quote!: Sun Tzu, Chinese general.

Because Synti is the first of the SATARAtten who recorded his "instrument" (drums), he can only conform to a metronome that it dictates the approximate speed.
Because the instruments are missing, I must conduct Synti point (of course topmotiviertm and sober) and a 2-side, by hand, to use my own order, on 2 sheets of flip chart.
This procedure can import Synti in 3 hours even the voice of the drum song Pertschi.
A look around:


Against 24:00 s we stop with the recordings for today and tomorrow to continue.
Synti and I will get so for about 3 hours of sleep before we have to drive to work. But we are looking forward immensely to tomorrow where we will start the next drum voices.

Good night!