Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cake Kits For The Florida Gators


I am awakened by the soft footsteps of Sünti. Sitting out side in the yard already Neauxs parents, his sister, her friend and the rest of the crew at the table and eat all the delicious grilled by Neauxs parents. Unfortunately, it has about 23 984 ° C, so the cat is even worse. Then we pack everything from cookies to cars and share it to the owners.

Sünti and Opeth drive as the first home ground. Bene Captain, Simon and I are traveling together. Neaux brings Andy and Emily home.

We previously eliminated by Andi Neaux and Emilia, pre-need, but on Neauxs parents what annoys us a bit.

First, we bring home and then drive to Captain Simon home (emmer bei Moeke).

We get tea and delicious, delicious cake of Simone's father.

After some time go's home. We unload my stuff and I go into the apartment. There is no one there, my mother is with Quansi in Germany, Späckie is with the Father and Gismo is on Frequenzy Festival.

I close with the finale of The Lord of the Rings:

"So, I'm back home!"


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