Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Remove Gliter Plastic

"We Blonde women married so no one way or another."

For the first time I start a blog entry with a quote, that is a quote from Michelle Hunziker, to show in the Migros newspaper. This quote has now encouraged me to write an entry.

Lustigerweise höre ich solch ähnliche Sätze (Sätze, die in die Richtung "ich finde keinen Mann" gehen) von eigentlich sehr gut aussehenden Frauen. Paradox? Nun, gehen wir diesem Phänomen einmal nach. Ich stelle zwei Theorien zur Erklärung vor, die eine von mir, die andere von Terry Pratchett entwickelt.

Meine Theorie ist die "Zu-Wählerisch-Theorie". Frauen, die so gut aussehen wie Michelle Hunziker, sind ziemlich wählerisch, was Männer anbelangt. Nähmen wir an, ich würde ihr nun zufälligerweise begegnen und hätte im Hinterkopf immer noch dieses Zitat von ihr. Nehmen wir weiter an, ich würde tatsächlich genug Mut aufbringen und sie ansprechen und dann what to say to: ". You complain so that no one wants to marry you Well, it can even try to play me." How would the likely reaction? Yeah, of course, would be something like: "?!!!! WWWWAAAASSS IIIIIIEEEEEHHHH HOW YOU REALLY ugly spider"

course, this is all purely hypothetical, and I can not really prove it. And empirically I can not, because I honestly do not know women who look so good. Anyway, a question that occupied me for some time: Which trees grow beautiful women? I've met in person that is no:-D

All right, let us proceed to the theory of Terry Pratchett. This is called the "Jerk Syndrome" theory. Beautiful women make most men very scared, so men think when they see a beautiful woman, she was always forgiven, and not even talk to them. But just "evil" men, right assholes (or just "Jerks", as Pratchett puts it) then actually do it - and so end up with beautiful women always marry the wrong person and they will never be happy (or only rarely). To come to

plays a little away from theories about women, I tell you something about me. I was in the last few days, a little sick, but I feel better now. Was still the party of Anja and Dänu last Saturday. My mother had her birthday yesterday and because of my grandparents came over on Saturday. Study goes well.

Well, that was my rather uneventful life together lately.

keeping with the theme, here is a song by Stiller Has


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