I just can not decide what I want to fill this entry now. Again if I do something, write in my head all by itself all down. These entries are stored in a closet and are occasionally used when I pick out the key and an experience to give the best. Unfortunately, they sound in my head always much better than when I someone in the face, the virtual guest book, or even as an entry in LJ tell. (Yes, I CAN tell in a guestbook, then just move my lips less as my fingers)
Here is my list of topics: a.) Cinema: The A-Team. (I have seen him) after that, "The Lovely Bones" (I could 'still cry) This movie as a theme.
b.) visit to the hairdresser: Does she or does not hair long hair short? Purple, red or even blue? And more importantly, why I love my hairdresser! And I really love him! A good gene pool!
c.) "All seven waves," "Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar" and "I thought I would be a Panther - the story of a duck in search of themselves" are the books I've read recently. What is this? Have read all over? Why do we read such books? Questions, questions ...
d.) conversion work! How far I've managed so far? What is already finished, has been abandoned? How much furniture I have now?
e.) My sister. Emotionality at a higher level.
f.) ... this morning I still came up is, how it is in keeping with the wardrobe, it's always what is lost, like socks in the washing machine.
specific topic? I can offer to each letter, an entry-filling program. So please, no false modesty! I accept several proposals.
And the aforementioned gene pool was a joke, I just wanted to let him work in that line. So quietly, I'm talking here of any amorous thoughts of my hairdresser!
"At the same time she was overjoyed, for it is wonderful when someone says something to us about our personality, then feel we feel better, we feel, how shall we say, somehow ... not as inexplicable and therefore less lonely! "
(from" I thought I would be a Panther ")
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