Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Increase In Cm Before Period

Get ready for the Pirates RAINBOW

Yes I can sign again XD. And this time really just a songwriter "Just for Fun" entry (Toto, I hope you're not angry with me, that I do now XD). Toto-Chi and I now play in addition to the RPG (now we finally have the RPG with Ami and continued to play Ren \u0026lt;3) made several personality tests. Well, then we started rumzuspinnen a little, unfortunately, only briefly, but I find it so funny that I just have to hold still plays somewhere XD.

And although ... In the first, character test came out to me that I was a pirate, while Toto is an arrogant princess. Well, then we started to discuss the fun and spontaneous the RAINBOW pirate gang founded XD. So far it consists of both us, our harems and our well-known painter xD. So strictly speaking, would currently like this:

Rhapsody ~ the captain of the pirate gang, no one listens to the
~ Tori the arrogant princess who wants to let all dance to their whistle
D a h l i a ~ the crazy ship times Rien, with a weakness for Regengobenfarben

The latter is, incidentally, a character of Rune Factory 3 that Toto and I like very much XD. She is constantly with her "Rainbow" will absolutely everything and rainbow-colored paint xD. Since we have the band now called Rainbow spontaneously, it had something to do with this xD. Other characters will naturally come, finally, we need roles for Isaac, Alex, Heero and all the guys the Toto-Chi has so much XD. Something will come out yet. In any case I thought it was really funny.

the way, I find that to degree of PV is indeed a gang who call themselves as "Pirates of the Rainbow" ... Of this I have stolen the name of nothing left. It was really random xD. I thought only of "Crazy Rainbow Star," but did not want to take the full name. So in the end all wars Rainbow xD. Emergency call wirs "Rainbow Star" that goes so well hehe. 'm Looking forward to it but to explore with Toto on how we Charas could hand out xD.

So that's now available again from my side. I will now ... Doing Something ... and then off to bed hehe XD. . So, until next time ^ ^ LG

the captain Rhaps

Current Ticks: One Piece, the RPG (no title * cough * xD), One Piece, Fresh! Pretty Cure


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