* drop *.. . Okay, the title, one could easily understand wrong * cough *. No, I (unfortunately) still propagated Single ^ ^ am. " The madness of love is mainly aimed at what I scribble, and as I have lately like scribbling. Debt is, you guessed it, my Goddess-Central Hell tick. Although I actually a picture with all the girls from Central Hell Goddess 2 (the correct name for the season is yet XD), and to draw CHG-Tarot cards and a promised Yuri image with Muira and Nuira have, I work just a Lumeia x Alec image. I just feel like it an awful lot to draw this pairing. That's actually rare for me, since I rather mysterious pictures on action-packed or get up and not get so romantic XD. But not least because of the fact that I still hard to do with guys. Now I know not yet what Alec gets dressed while I was looking for me Lume-Chan has a few tools XD. On
jedenall I like the result so far (although I'm more with it than with him xD. I draw both more or less parallel). I must admit though that I have again this time drawn a presentation to the rate, but I will try to draw the image to remain relatively independent. The main problem for me is just nachwievor the kissing scene xD '. Yes, it is a kind of image. Something I will just draw even once!'m Just a girl ... XD
Well, at least to me the image is making such great fun that I have inside Plänze it up when I still want to draw everything so ... Currently, the list is as follows:
- Lumeia x Alec ( as of work in )
- Muira x Zuzhou ( as of planned )
- Farvande x Radi * the sake of completeness xD '( as of planned )
- Riku x Kaji * grad does not feel like me, getting the new name * ( as of . for several years already planning XD ')
- Rhapsody Alessandro x * even though I've kB on MG, a picture must necessarily time ago> \u0026lt;* ( as of in planning ... )
- Amila x Ren * again * ( as of Hentai outlined Fig. 2, second in planning xD )
Well, I think I'm going to dedicate my picture again. Hopefully war ego down, with ^ with the new CRS-Gallery also at least 3 correct current Fanarts come online ^ (even one with Yuna from Golden Sun. The final seal , One with Amila and Maijun * Crossover * and that is what Alec Lumeia x-picture). Wish me just fingers crossed I will this time> again stand firm.. '
So then I'm the (short) entry times stop again and continue doodling XD Mata ne ~
LG Rhapsody
. PS: I will have the Perona-figure that comes out in June q_q .. . But the costs in the one shop now almost 90 € * sniff * ... and I think I must let the cat get out xD
Current Ticks: Central Hell Goddess, Dragon Quest IX, Dragon Ball / Z, Sousei no Aquarion, Pairingbilder draw xD
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