Monday, July 16, 2007

Hindi Names Of Neptune

ISIC Club reporter in the regions on the move: sound-Mengen

up here video clip from the district amounts

We read from the small club regional editorial team in the regional Badische Zeitung. By BZ-E-Paper - subscription for 10 € monthly we are the world online here!

conditions as of the end of the heatwave in sight

Wetter: Ende der Hitzewelle in Sicht sigh of relief: One end of the heat wave in southern Baden, with temperatures near 40 degrees in sight. Thunderstorms move on from the southwest and bring locally heavy showers. However, it remains high summer warm.

Hans pointed to "pigeon shit"
above the entrance

ISIC club team toured small regions with 2 wheels on Sunday, 15:07:07 through the southern Breisgau-Tuniberg! Our first post here:

pictorial memories from the old country again after this period was the motto of "feel good" - round trip by bike:
The Regio-Bahn Regio-inclusive ticket from HBH Freiburg in about 10 minutes after Schallstadt . There we had our new friend Max Club provided two top bikes ready. (This article follows).

start at 11:00 in glorious weather and fresh laughing Sun 3 km on bike track to quantities.

where some photo shoot in the village center and an impromptu nice call with a quantity at the village well sandstone. Hans (70) shows us several small bumps at the well and says "strong in water and the environment can engage." )
My thoughts: ". See the scaffolding around the Freiburg Cathedral storm
Hans expertly shows us the small, but for him as a" flowers-caster "the big little Unebeneigenheiten
Hans eigenlich the public Blumenzierde pours outside his home because they are. so no one else pours. Unless, "Peter" can irrigate.

Hans makes our attention to the little "ugly" green dirt under the quantities steeple. We put these small impurities determined only after a closer look.
It was the " pigeons scared "of pigeons, to find, despite special roofing work again access to the church and feel good inside there.
We think: "If they feel comfortable there than the relatively smaller and smaller number of church visitors, then it says the Lord well with the" doves ", and you should grant them leave

Our dedicated flower friend Hans comes then. a talk for us to CLUB Team Reporter dedicated theme:

lack of infrastructure for the older generation

It is no ordinary shop in a village (after all, about 2,500 inhabitants) !
In comparison, in just 12 KM away, Freiburg i.Br. given in almost every neighborhood known supermarkets such as ALDI, LIDL, PLUS on the wrist.

Na is good, but not a problem for the "old", where it leaves every hour so all bus to Freiburg, one might think as an outsider.

Had a bad argument for our "old", but find in them no longer the physical strength to compare with those of boys.

Hans living than our actual and exemplary example locally, tells us that he likes his house that he inhabited for two Magret with his wife, wanted to sell and would prefer to move to Bad Krozingen (see our next posts). Be - in our opinion and according Photo decent, presentable property he receives more than 250,000 €, but not let go. An apartment house in Bad Krozingen, however, would cost at least 350 000.
How should he do at his age debt, "said Hans.

Since, our small team on site also mean only that because it has any Hartz IV recipients without private property in a council flat in the Breisgau metropolis Freiburg from social-therapeutic view her even better than the home owner Hans quantities.
Since there are Entertainment and "feel-good communication" abound. In the outlying community Breisagau quantities (Fr. of sound city) for the older dog is almost buried!

a small consolation we have for the sympathetic Hans of quantities: The quantities of community can be proud of their citizens Hans because he "volunteers" poured the church flowers and keeps a watchful eye on the church tower exterior.
He keeps a watchful eye on little things in place for the community representatives have less time. Little things that are them "care less" for obvious reasons. The former butcher's shop next to the Gasthof Adler "next to the Estate of John has obviously already made for decades, and produced no more sausages.

Conclusion: The nice, quiet community Breisgau quantities is not recommended as a place for
single elderly citizens!
For younger already, for example for the youth from 21:00 clock for entertaining games in the "eagle " or in the very welcome and very active sports club life with sports facilities in quantities!

Next time we visit the club reporter team back volumes, we will Hans passed to our club business card, with the request to them to be sons, so that through the Internet, our photos of Hans can look to the property.
Thanks Hans, it was nice talking to you. We would have made you to our club local reporter on the scene. But unfortunately you have, how many others of our generation, no internet skills.
Perhaps your sons join with us. We look so much amateur reporters on the spot.

attractive monetary reward!
We at the club management to honor the " voluntary" benefits of our club members on site with attractive ISIC fund shares up!

We also are no local authority, are not subject to bureaucratic prescribed austerity measures, but show private, innovative alternatives!

Dear Hans in quantities! We greet our friend Werner club from you! And a special greeting from Werner to the sympathetic Margret!

nice idyllic place with parish war memorial!
Earlier, the teenage years on the author's village meeting place for young and old. With festivities, May Dance, music club performances! Today, except Sundays idyll nothing going on!

continue on beautiful paths only 2 km to Munzingen . Photo right horses in the pasture ... just beautiful!

view of the romantic destination Ehrentrudis Chapel on the Tuniberg. The photo show then in later posts.

Wappen von Schallstadt
arms [ edit] The coat of arms

sound city - brings the identity of the quantities of sound city locations, and amounts to Wolfenweiler Expression. In semi-split and split-plate top left in blue with a silver horseshoe, upper right in gold on a blue grape green stem with green leaf, down in silver on a green three mountain border black wolf.

The municipality includes the city of sound city sound districts, Wolf Weiler, and quantities. Leutersberg is part of the district Wolfenweiler Föhrenschallstadt is part of the district and city noise.

community structure: three districts

address of the local government:
Straße 16 79 227
Mayor Jörg Czybulka

Just click it! The benefits of Web 2.0 for young and old for all those who want to learn more and may.
And if it can be grandma or grandpa (still) can not, then help the grandchildren. We understand from ISIC Club on intergenerational solidarity!


ISIC Our editorial team on site has been considered by the BZ series in recent days and will report in our ISIC Partners LiveJournal ! A hot topic , which is also our CLUB - is the main theme : Our club goals against old age poverty, loneliness and lack of dignity to the age!

BZ-series: the future of nursing

BZ-Serie: Zukunft der Pflege A taboo topic: Badische Zeitung looks into the everyday care. What about human dignity in care? What is it like to work in nursing? How fair the money is distributed from the maintenance fund?
all BZ-related posts on this topic in our ISIC Club Partner LiveJournal under


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