Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How To Make Soap Lux Flakes

From BZ-Online: Interviev Henning Scherf + City Views

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The detailed contributions to the taboo topic of "Aging + future of care" can be found in our ISIC Partner LiveJournal
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BZ-INTERVIEW Henning Scherf, Bremen's mayor in trouble stand, his flat, her nursing care and the problems with the Pros / By Stefan Hupka

he continued, if not more is at stake? If old people are cared for at home, in the circle of loved ones, or by professionals in the home? We asked the former Bremen Mayor Henning Scherf for his suggestions and WG experiences.

W BZ: Mr. Scherf, one wishes it to anyone, but when it comes to the fact that you are in need of care who you want to be maintained?
Scherf: from relatives and friends. We live here together for ten years and have been with two of us until her death. We have all succeeded with their own forces. And here we have firmly promised that we will not alone and help each other when it comes.

BZ: This can be hard physical work. Fear also overwhelmed?
Scherf: If that were the case, because we ourselves are older and weaker, then we want to take home ambulatory assistance.

BZ: you want to describe the cases briefly?
Scherf: One of our roommates, Rosemarie, was ill with cancer and did not want to go to the hospital. As we have said, well, that we create, if necessary, around the Clock, one by one. After her death, was her eldest son, who also lived with us, sick unto death. He also wanted to die at home. We helped him for five years.

BZ: cost of daily and nightly tasks to overcome - Hygiene in incontinence and so on?
Scherf: If you're in there once in this problem that does not cost more to overcome. But we would be overwhelmed quickly. Then one would also unlikely to sleep. But with several, in this case eight, this is then you can share it.

BZ: This form of housing, a multi-generation house, as you say, is therefore in your eyes something to promote the man?
Absolutely! Especially in connection with the topic. I am very sure that you are in the neighborhood or, if possible, even under one roof to cease to care for someone. This can and should learn and practice. You can also contact the institutions that help one, so that it itself creates. Formerly home of a dependent rule. Today it is the exception. see
continuation of the interview with further contributions from BZ-Online
http://isic-partner.livejournal.com (the day : ISIC-way abstract)

Note ISIC Regional Editor: Our cover ISIC club project objectives are in the base to the views of recognized experts Henning Scherf. However, we plan
using our ISIC-Star Funds and investments by private investors, several multi-country multi-generation house-projects such as Germany, Spain (Costa del Sol) and Thailand!

Freiburg cityscapes photos HEL 07/2007


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