Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cake Kits For The Florida Gators


I am awakened by the soft footsteps of Sünti. Sitting out side in the yard already Neauxs parents, his sister, her friend and the rest of the crew at the table and eat all the delicious grilled by Neauxs parents. Unfortunately, it has about 23 984 ° C, so the cat is even worse. Then we pack everything from cookies to cars and share it to the owners.

Sünti and Opeth drive as the first home ground. Bene Captain, Simon and I are traveling together. Neaux brings Andy and Emily home.

We previously eliminated by Andi Neaux and Emilia, pre-need, but on Neauxs parents what annoys us a bit.

First, we bring home and then drive to Captain Simon home (emmer bei Moeke).

We get tea and delicious, delicious cake of Simone's father.

After some time go's home. We unload my stuff and I go into the apartment. There is no one there, my mother is with Quansi in Germany, Späckie is with the Father and Gismo is on Frequenzy Festival.

I close with the finale of The Lord of the Rings:

"So, I'm back home!"

Remise Bats Remise Quilt Batting?

15/08/2007 08/14/2007 13/08/2007


We wake up in bright sunshine and the Yellow vorfluchen grimace, because we are all drenched in sweat. Neaux begins to cook delicious spaghetti carbonara.

Then we pack up our things and start in the early afternoon departure for Austria.

We take a break every two hours to stretch, to fill up, piss or feet. At a rest stop we think of waste (in Germany it is not rubbish bin), whose name will change to match a song Satara.

at a service station in Bavaria, we stopped again and I buy myself a nice Lebatschäsn buns. The there are in Sweden and northern Germany is not, so it was very tasty.

We drive on and get on the German-Austrian border at Passau. Lured by re-sign with Austrian petrol stations fuel prices, we want to stay there again. Also, a Mc Donald's is there and we go into it just before 00:00. A woman operation, where the adjective is pretty no longer used for reasons, is very bitchy.

The young men and women are a little overwhelmed, because they want to close down already and we are all alone in the restaurant and ordered individually.

stay that way but then left with a cheeseburger and a Mc Chicken, which gives us a nice lady.

Then you continue driving. Neaux receives telephone contact with Opeth and we plan to go into the basement, drink a beer and then stay to the rest of the night to camp in Neauxs Traisen.

Sünti and I develop the story of Capatains nemesis: Captain Jack Lumberjake. A bearded lumberjack who chopped off the captain a wooden calf, and it has a boat for his crew of 300 men carved. It was also Captain of the huge carved Wade God. We also plan to tell everyone that we have carved our trumscheit from a much larger trumscheit.

Neaux tells us that the bite of a single horse for a hornet can kill.

Once in the basement finally we drink cool, dark beer and it is delicious Whispey for Simone and me. Jamjamjam!

Neaux leads to Sünti Pyhra so that he can drive his car to Traisen. Opeth Neaux collected from home out of bed, puts him in the car and leaves the small of a baby monitor (one of the radios) because if he wakes up.

After the drinks we go to Traisen vorsaufen and almost everything what is left of alcohol. At 5:00 in the morning all go to the bottom of the campsite to make small Tagraumes down to heja.

Yachting World Dayboat Sale


We get up early afternoon and take a bite. Then almost all the series go to shower, because in the Marina, 5 minutes walk away, there are showers. Emilia and I venture into the icy waters of the Vätterns. I stand about 15 minutes to dive with my calves in the water until Emily and I decide, finally, completely in the water.

us Besides a family with her motorboat. Both daughters are very pretty.

Finally, we build the castle Wade for the last time from us and wonder about our own speed. We had enough practice by now.

To go about 16:00 we go, because we want to go buy postcards and souvenirs in Jönköping and eat. After about an hour we reach the capital of Gotland Väster and walk to the beautiful old town. We find a shop where there are cards and I write a Theirea and Hadley.

Then we look a little longer for a supermarket. Once there, everyone buys something he wants. Me stands a fish dish in a tin eye. "Surströming is called the Swedish specialty. These are fish (I say this just once that there are herring) that are water and salt thrown into a barrel and hang there a few weeks before him. I'm really looking forward to this taste, although I know that then the whole house will smell it.

Then we go to a restaurant, on the much FISK (Fish) wrote, is because we have great Guster it. On the map, there is no fish. Therefore, we leave the restaurant and drive a little car.

we go from the parking lot by a long road, with restaurants, which seem to give it every possible food, except of course Swedish food and fish.

Finally, we find a "cheap" restaurant, where we come.

order Some of us have an action-dish (meat of your choice, with a side dish of choice, and choice of sauce). On the other order fish. I allowed myself a delicious heavy oil (normal beer) but that even 7.2 Volts. It costs the equivalent of 5 euros. The food costs the equivalent of 11 euros. But we had expected worse.

We go back to the cars and head south.

is around 300km we Helsingborg, fill up where we do not find a suitable petrol station.

After another 50km, we're back in Malmö and can fill up just before the petrol station zusperrt from a not so attractive Schedin, at 00:00. Then continues its journey back across the bridge, through the underwater tunnel Danes to market. Then in the second major bridge and ultimately Neaux make a driver change. We stop at a service station to buy the rest of the money in the bridge toll energy drinks that taste as opposed to Red Bull well plane is characterized by a boisterous, Austrian way out again, in which he presses on the coffee machine at the gas station and a coffee on the floor may be down, the Vorkäufer (who had more in common with a British butler, as a Danish Dankwart) replied calmly and flegmatisch: "Never Mind. I have to clean the floor anyway. "

Then I do the the SS tax Neaux. It should be noted that the drivers had radio contact all the time. Likewise, any driver had a code name.

Bene: ice tower

Neaux: egg storm

Burgl: ice storm

Simone: rice worm

Sünti: scrambled eggs

This may sound confusing, but always provides a great atmosphere. Because on radio you could meispens only as an irgendwetas - listening, etc. and the finer points remained a matter of interpretation.

Finally, we continue through the Danish market and cross the German border at Flensburg at about 4:00 in the morning. We drive to a gas station north of Hamburg and thank our cars with diesel. The crew of the SS Neaux asleep.

level and I must decide quickly through Hamburg to drive through, so we do not come in the spring all precautions.

However, it is too late. Before Hamburg, trucks and cars Vorsammeln to a wild bunch. The fact that no one can in Germany, driving is also very interesting. That really happen overtaking, change three tracks simultaneously, and the German People's disease: fly until you have almost touched the car of the other, then horns and flashing and gesturing wildly, until one has finally completed his own overtaking (with 120km / h). Then the idiot cursing goes past me. The total contrast to Sweden and other civilized countries.

Finally, it is 8:00 in the morning and we leave with our calves just before Hanover from the highway and find a nice dirt road beside a river.

where we roll up the tarp, and set us with cover to make way Heja.

Infections Acquired From Beer

12/08/2007 08/11/2007


We stand up and have breakfast delicious pancakes, Neaux freshly prepared. There are 34 624 varieties of jam. Finally break Neaux, Captain and I to get water. In a small house sits a young couple and understands our concerns. While the man filled the bottles we chat with the adorable woman in English. Inventories us a very nice place right on the lake and we heed this advice

On the way back we look more quickly to the old place, whether he is free and then to their new location at Lakeshore. A nice young German hippy with a big black car tells us that we may one day camp there. We thank him and go back to Wade castle. had

After we have reduced the fleet goes to the place recommended to us the young Swede from drawing water. We beat our Wade castle on there and tighten if the slight rain, the tarp over our table.

The whole crew will begin an immediate Sandburgl to build on the beach, what I call quite good. Then, eat it already. Neaux cook and we eat. One can clearly see that it tastes to us.

After eating, we start in the round of Call of Cthulu. Here's a quick overview:

level playing: Friedrich Ritter von Scharnhorst, an officer from the first world war and warmongers

I play: Horst Wyrczynsky, a photo journalist and hack

Captain play: Lacrimose Babyroshan, a singer

Simone plays Maria, a nurse

Emilia plays Rudolph, a war veteran from World War

Andi plays the flyer Pilot Samuel Samael

We solve finally go the first adventure in the late night and sleep macnhe. Sünti and I are up to 8 in the morning, and he vorschönerte Sandburgl the road with a larger than Dingeling.

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We breakfast little break down the castle and take Wade to the size Aborg, a ruined castle on Öland. We are advancing our time in Neauxs car with the film Blood Diamond. On the SS TU ES vorließt the captain, because he can read only one, the book "The Lemming".

dismantling of the castle Wade ; The street name where the castle stood Wade

We arrive early afternoon on the ruin, because we have several ancestors. As we go we see to our left a church ruin and before us the mighty stone ruins of the ring. In the church formed the only group photo in which each person depicted by the crews.

The Kirche The group photo with all members

Inside is a large green area and right in the middle is a stone mountain , probably once the keep, or the main house was. It caused some funny pictures, but we are surprised by a sudden downpour and go back to the cars.


The journey continues towards Vättern (A lake in central Sweden, whose name means Koboldsee or Wettersee, I think, after my then state of knowledge. In truth is vaetur an old Swedish word for water. Therefore, this very creative name for the lake). The 200km between Öland and the City of Jönköping at the southern end of the long drawn lake, we are laying back quickly. In Jönköping, we go to a gas station to the toilet and drink from our water cans. Then we look at the west bank of the Vätterns for a suitable Wade Burg.

                                                                      Bene threatens Vättern prophylactic

We find a place within a forest and near the lakefront. A steep slope leads to a secluded place near the water and the whole forest has a bit of Lord of the Rings Fangorn itself. The group decides to finally go on to possibly even to find a better place. After 1 hour, 20 km and SS TU ES push up a steep path we turn around to return to the place from before. Neaux betting round four beers that the place is already occupied, but a little bit is ignored.

The Captain in fighting position

Neaux and I just go to a house to fill our water bottles to leave. The older woman responds only in Swedish, and fills the bottles. Neaux and I had to wait outside and we had a bad feeling about something, this old lady can contribute to our 20kg load. But everything vorlief well and the woman had a heart attack. Sun wr vprabschiedeten us about the grandmothers lady and ran away.

Finally, we reach the previous station, and shall find that he is really busy. Now the spirits were a little heated and Neaux titled our anger with a Scout word Fuadagrant! We were all really hungry and then went to look for a place in the forest.

We finally found a place and Neaux begins immediately with spaghetti pasta and asciutta Gulaschsuppensoße cook.

After dinner we go again, and we drink before bed for a few beers. After Whispey, vodka lemon and mead are blank, only the Red Eristoff of which is not really touched.

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We Breakfast cereals and benefits us again. Andi lays down the beach, has at some level, I hung unknown location-bar and its slopes are there. Sünti just come from somewhere else and goes back to Chalumeaux, alto and soprano recorder away.

When he comes back to see Neaux, Sünti and I Neauxs notebook into a movie called "The Gamers" at. This is a very funny film about role players and highly recommended.

Finally Neaux go and I go wiedermal with jerry cans, to let them fill in a private household. This time we take a bottle of wine to share with and the rest of Whispey us. Finally, after we had some empty houses behind us, we came to a white house by an elderly man was. I say, "Hey! Vi är Fri ån Österrike. Vi skulle Vilja Fragor can Fylla vi med vår vattenflaskar drycksvatten vid din hus? "He replied something unvorständliches in Swedish, and pointed to the water line behind the house. There we fill up the canister and give him the wine. He was excited about doing good, nice, because in Sweden is not known alcohol. Probably because of the exorbitant sums that they must lie down for it (70 € for 0.75 liter vodka)

When we are halfway to Wade castle remains are suddenly a red German bus and the man asks if he should take with us. We were naturally pleased about that. During the trip he told us that he had talked with Sünti already, which is only too typical of the young man from Pyhra.

In the calf castle level has been cooked bean soup, which we vorschlingen immediately.

dark as it We will start a Call of Cthulu in adventure. For me the first one, for others the already multiplied. Sünti is Meisper and is supported by Neaux. It's pretty fun, but to a renewed rain showers forcing us to flee to the tents.

Shag Bands And The Colour Meaning

10/08/2007 08/09/2007 08/08/2007


We set off after breakfast towards Karlskrona, there to visit the naval museum and go into a beard Bardem.

We go through a so-called Swedish "highway" where you can drive up 110mk / h. It sounds pretty gmiadlich not, but according to level and Neaux (which most of the time went) totally comfortable. There are a lot fewer trucks and other traffic. Furthermore, the clever Swedes have very interesting crash barriers that are not solid metal, but consist of three totally taut steel cables. The advantage is that these things in a crash in a bad angle, not drill through the car and crew, but rather even spring back a little. Totally awesome!

Once in Karlskrona, we are looking for a cash dispenser in the pedestrian zone. When we were looking for, went Bene, Neaux Simone and I have to buy into a shopping center around the main food. In addition to normal bread and milk we buy another calf bread (pita bread) and eight of Mazarin (small cake with marzipan). We buy on the advice of Captain Ewald Enzinger and caviar paste.

helplessness is spreading In Karlskrona

After a quick bite at the cars we go to the Marine Museum, where we - because we are all students-only to pay the equivalent of € 2.50.

The museum is very interesting. Of 16 Century. To date, all sorts of types of vessels and the trappings Issued . Both smaller model ships and ships on a scale of 1-1 where you can also go up and can make all sorts of fun things to be reviewed by the Captain, with a stern look.

collision figures                                                                         The Marine Museum of the outside

Neaux leaves no doubt that we Austrian tourists are.

then we are in port on a small stone wall and feast on delicious bacon, Wade bread, caviar paste (the uuuuurr tastes delicious) for dessert and Mazarin.

Andi seemed at this pastry-its Name rather to a drug or a poison suggesting Funny states produce and so it happened that she came with irrem look at me and said: "Hehehe, I did the sparrow enter back Mazarin!" This state also gave the 15 minutes car ride to the so-called Simhall on.

After Neaux level and have even bought in Schleswig especially cool radios reached us in the SS Neaux the radio message: "ice tower ice tower to ask what time the Burgl bathroom is in Swedish!" Because of some bad connection I did not bath, but Bart, wesahlb be discovered after the error was some cheerfulness. Fortann Vokobular used in swimming pool instead of Bart.

Once there, we take our Bardem Zeuch and dressed to us. I enter the hall and will be the first by a very young and pretty Swedish Bardemmeisterin pointed out that one must first shower. The obligatory sauna was right next to the showers.

Finally, we all have a beard and have a lot of fun. Andi, Neaux and I also want the hot blade, which costs extra and that 70 crowns (10 €). Therefore, we blame the plan, and Andi is in the sauna, while the remaining pile of splashing in the water.

Then showers and we all go out of the beard to face take a refreshing cold drink. The equally young and attractive Kassiererinn gives us the goods and I am very surprised that the Swedish-blond-although almost all are quite pretty.

order at about 20:00 we go to the island of Öland, which is about an hour away.

We drive over the bridge that vorbindet the island with the mainland and drive to a campsite to the good cover of darkness auzuffüllen our water bottles.

A very romantic sunset.

After several hours Space search, we finally find a nice place where we build our immediate Wade castle. In addition, the Steinküspe is only 5m away from us exactly what will be good the next day. It is also only 5 feet tall. Finally, we stretch a tarp over our tables and chairs and take a Griesnockerlsuppe and tea, as we have had very cold. Then there are Packerl food consisting of spaghetti carbonara, spaghetti pasta and mushroom soup asciutta. Experimentally well though.

Sünti and I observe, as have all the tents were a powerful storm on the Baltic Sea, that hopefully would not come to us. After some beer and go make all Whispey heja.

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Although we are in a small forest, wake us up the heat on the sun and we have breakfast. Finally, we decide to stay another day at this place.

I vorspüre the urge to wash my hair so go and I Neaux to a private house there to ask for water. There we meet an old Swedish couple, which is of course always ready to pour our drinking water. While the woman gets the water, and I know Neaux that filters are installed in homes that the very iron-rich water filters. Many thanks for this tip and the man tells us something about his pigeon breeding and racing pigeons competition in Belgium and we are very surprised that the people speak English, friendly, and by our somewhat strange garb (I wear a tabard, headscarf and vorwischte makeup ) are not anxious or feindzelig. Then we return with the water in Wade the castle.

Finally Neaux cooks delicious ham and eggs.

After dinner, I start very much in the diary and all It only drink beer.

This whimsical bee-like spider we found in the grass.

Sünti takes the Chalumeaux and Call of Cthulu rulebook and goes slightly further away from us.

plane cuts the camera man with the shovel until he bleeds total.

plane stretches well back from the castle on its slopes Wade latte, but where is almost always someone else. Emilia writes with what I am talking about. thus obtained, this somewhat strange looking dictation:

Peter has passed after getting up in the awning. Amilias thirst for beer, it has very thirsty, but they will drink a beer, because they have had very great thirst will be. And whether their great thirst, they actually open a beer in a tin, and spits in Hjördis's awning.

A passing hiker named Wafthrudnir skin Sünti with the math book until it bleeds total. Sünti fell down and lay there, because it a passing hiker named Wafthrudnir, has struck with the math book on its head.

The moon shines in the crack, because our tap leaking went Sünti says: "Vad är" jumps and with the Babeth cow over the moon, is formed to have seen a plane, but Sünti was already dead, as in the previous sentence is read.

And the iodine wiggles his Pömps as a cheerleader with the Quasteln.

"Yes, what else happened? What else can I say, "says Burgl. "We have seen Ferde that of riders who were sitting on Ferden were riding which was great.

The captain must kiss wiedermal the muse back in Neaux's rear luggage compartment is a great concern that by Andi with her hair brush is brutally beaten. Then she takes the brains of the dead erschlagenenen ("How they look," says Burgl.) And it depends on the trophy belt that had woven her her father from her own umbilical cord.

"for the time being, then get on without me young lady," says Burgl.

interesting after this thoroughly review it Andi can also itch again in literature and vefasst secretly following:

Andis review

We also have a lot of water in various states of aggregation and colors seen. Water in the rumschwimmt Dixi-Klos. A lot of water that was served with salt, water that is pouring over Burgle wet T-shirt and an arrow pointing to his genitals ("There's going long") releases.

water in jerry cans, water is verspuckt from the sky, yellow water that flows from certain body openings. Water in its most natural way-from the tap.

If one were to consider the word TAP accurate and are aware of its importance, there are some thoughts for me sentences.


The two S exactly in the Middle of the word for me are a symbol of something running. SS-so look for me a river from the air. Enough water, the first root should be clarified.


Using the same hollow end H's eye-catching, or something? Once muted, not even once silent, not even to compare

Vöslauer with mineral water: one sparkling, one still, one sparkling, one still ... ..

after this really great lyrics, I go out of view with the bagpipes and the Borduntinwhistle little further away from the castle Wade and play into the sunset.

Then the food is already ready and we eat corn meat with rice. Finally, it is dark and we sit together at our table in the calf castle. rears

When a strange fog, and I Neaux go into the forest, which looks very mysterious. Just as you might imagine, the landscape which are in Slutet Finntroll Visor om album.

When we come back we have to make the idea Pantomieme and the others must guess. The candidate will be lit with a flashlight here in the crotch, so he is not blinded. I put dar. including the terms and flotsam Triback Neaux is dar. including flywheel level and Simone again and woke up to chest level must Yamvanin Cantroll Langenwut present, but this was solved.

Then go make all heja.