Monday, October 26, 2009

Exclusive Latin Shoes

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Tip-Top Tips on Media-News
to the following series from the Badische Zeitung / 24/10/2009 thinks regional reporter Peter: This article spoke to me from the heart. A contribution to the taboo topic No. 1, the -age poverty!

means to be old are often poor

COUNTY BREISAGAU-HOCHSCHWARZWALD/BREISACH. At the age happy life, who wants that? The retirement with family and friends enjoying themselves in retirement finally fulfill a dream. But can not everyone worries far look at his life, because more and more elderly people are affected by poverty and dependent on financial support from the state ........ Here is an excerpt from the reality ...." radio criticized that the legal rule set is not sufficient by far. Will pay a flat without, however, cost more than 250 € cold and the heating. From 359 €, beneficiaries must pay water, electricity, food, and what else they need to live. .... to review HERE

My comment from the soul: "Hauls in the devil, I tell myself. Tomorrow I visit my younger cousin. "He lives, more recently, by the basic insurance.
He wants his 66 years of work .... anything to earn it. The potatoes are harvested in the fields. The last apples can pick up to match. Otherwise he has nothing left of his puny pension and the basic allowance with which he can just pay for his apartment.
Too proud he is to tell other people and friends about his financial hardship. His net worth next of kin, sister and brother know his financial hardship assistance would do well, but they get the devil! They know only their own problems. My
active Support he has. Here and there again a few euros, including invitations to dinner.
A fit, nice guy, my cousin and his 66 years. And as the saying goes: "With 66 Life begins at the first place."?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unlocked Channels Skystar

Actually I like the fall ... But some women did not

Yes, that's right, I like the autumn actually quite good. Is it great, not too hot, not too cold, is already comfortably dark in the evening. Of course, the game I've forgotten. I like very wild. The vegetarians do not even know what they're missing. Well, then everything is there for me:-D I have to fit a song from Stiller Has, a band that I appreciate more and more.

Actually I like the fall, but I have a lot to do, which makes me a little hard to enjoy it in full. As time would be the case with the presentation, which is inexplicably disappeared ... But yes, that's just the way things. I would rather have a beer, but there is also none in range. Crap. What you're doing it? Stiller Has hear more, I suppose. And about the things that a nerve, one should laugh more, which brings more.

self-humor, a very important concept. Those who can not laugh at himself, which is wrong. And if you can laugh at everything, I think. If I am a bit suspicious, then there are people who have no sense of humor.

I have but recently on the train met an interesting man. He has completed the small class and wants to be an electrician. Nebstdem he runs the hobby, chatting to strangers on the train. A nice person, very open, I find beautiful. But certain other people such lovable contemporaries might probably less, how could I tell also - especially some women. Well, you know them, yes, this type of woman (or should I say more "girl" or "young woman") - and dressed stylishly and geschniggelt geschnaggelt, nose in the air, too good for "ordinary men" and rather arrogant from top to bottom looking down on us "poor men". Well, if they knew that we laugh about it back by and say "We will certainly not! "Now honest, who behaves makes himself ridiculous. Now I like my good colleagues who are all very sociable contemporaries!

low arrogant with the womenfolk! Let us drink to the new men's revolution! Prost * burp * And free beer, we also call for more humor and a banishment of the lack of humor Death to the humorless, we encourage it to be totzulachen!! D

Oh, I see get's it, I'm still an alcoholic and one day I sit with my old friends together in the Stammbeiz from the blue haze around ... So we end up with all Leberzyrose smoking and lung. But who wants to live forever? Somehow I imagine eternal life that is terribly boring before ... And eternal bliss? Well ... Too boring. From time to time you need a cat right in order to remind you that you live. Would drinking so nice if one would know it would not be the possibility of a hangover the next morning? I have a feeling you need the bad to appreciate the good ...

And now we have become philosophical, so I hear from as soon as possible and drink something else. Or so ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Remove Gliter Plastic

"We Blonde women married so no one way or another."

For the first time I start a blog entry with a quote, that is a quote from Michelle Hunziker, to show in the Migros newspaper. This quote has now encouraged me to write an entry.

Lustigerweise höre ich solch ähnliche Sätze (Sätze, die in die Richtung "ich finde keinen Mann" gehen) von eigentlich sehr gut aussehenden Frauen. Paradox? Nun, gehen wir diesem Phänomen einmal nach. Ich stelle zwei Theorien zur Erklärung vor, die eine von mir, die andere von Terry Pratchett entwickelt.

Meine Theorie ist die "Zu-Wählerisch-Theorie". Frauen, die so gut aussehen wie Michelle Hunziker, sind ziemlich wählerisch, was Männer anbelangt. Nähmen wir an, ich würde ihr nun zufälligerweise begegnen und hätte im Hinterkopf immer noch dieses Zitat von ihr. Nehmen wir weiter an, ich würde tatsächlich genug Mut aufbringen und sie ansprechen und dann what to say to: ". You complain so that no one wants to marry you Well, it can even try to play me." How would the likely reaction? Yeah, of course, would be something like: "?!!!! WWWWAAAASSS IIIIIIEEEEEHHHH HOW YOU REALLY ugly spider"

course, this is all purely hypothetical, and I can not really prove it. And empirically I can not, because I honestly do not know women who look so good. Anyway, a question that occupied me for some time: Which trees grow beautiful women? I've met in person that is no:-D

All right, let us proceed to the theory of Terry Pratchett. This is called the "Jerk Syndrome" theory. Beautiful women make most men very scared, so men think when they see a beautiful woman, she was always forgiven, and not even talk to them. But just "evil" men, right assholes (or just "Jerks", as Pratchett puts it) then actually do it - and so end up with beautiful women always marry the wrong person and they will never be happy (or only rarely). To come to

plays a little away from theories about women, I tell you something about me. I was in the last few days, a little sick, but I feel better now. Was still the party of Anja and Dänu last Saturday. My mother had her birthday yesterday and because of my grandparents came over on Saturday. Study goes well.

Well, that was my rather uneventful life together lately.

keeping with the theme, here is a song by Stiller Has